Letters from teachers

Kargyak, 22.12.2008
The school started by Surya NGO in Kargyak village is now for me eights months old and is running very effectively. I have heard some rumors that somebody is revealing that the school is not functioning at all, which is completely baseless and I am writing this letter to all the sponsors and to all the people who are working for this project just to inform you, that the school is really helping the kids and the villagers. The kids, they are growing day by day and regarding their understanding of all the subjects, there is immense improvement. I don’t know whether my letter will go against someone or not, I don’t care, because the school is running and that is the truth. To all the sponsors and people who stood behind this project, on behalf of the staff, the kids and the villagers would like to thank a lot for every help that you gave and request you all to continue the good humanitarian work for years to come.
Happy Christmas and New Year,
Tenzin Yiga (Teacher, Surya School)
Hello Honza,
I am Penpa, your employee at the Sun School in Kargyak and I am sending you this short letter on 22nd December from Kargyak with many greetings.
Regarding to the running of Kargyak Sun School – it is running perfectly and this is my second month working as a teacher. I can say that pupils are improving their level and knowledge is pretty good and as a teacher I am quite enjoying to teach them in this warm school complex even it’s a bit cold outside of the complex.
Many Juleys and Tashi Delek from all the Sun School students.
Merry Christmas,
Penpa, teacher of Sun School Kargyak
I Tenzin Topjor, a resident of Leh, am perfectly designated as a teacher in Sun School of Kargyak. My presentation at the school was on 7th of November 2008 and till now I am working here with upmost dedication and sincerity.
During my stay I witnessed that this well furnished school is functioning very well.
Students are paying great need in their education and the special structure of the school is keeping them in warm and comfortable environment. The villagers are also satisfied with the ongoing school effort in bringing education to their normal life. They have some concern on the actual size of the school. Right now the school building only occupies three classrooms which villagers think to be insufficient in near future.
So, for the well being of the villagers it would be appreciable if the help continues for years to come.